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Good points all arou (Name:u66tx0krxi@hotmail.com  1/2/2017)
Comment:Good points all around. Truly apicarpeted. http://yslguci.com [url=http://ufxmalooa.com]ufxmalooa[/url] [link=http://khpnph.com]khpnph[/link]
Agreed re: the publi (Name:w8b5qr4mt@mail.com  12/28/2016)
Comment:Agreed re: the public toilet. The canopy is a welcome addition, but the area around the stop is still used as an all day gathering place for some aggressive street people, and 5th street is a haven for drug dealing and painlhdanng. It would be nice to exit the station and not have to face all that on a day-in and day-out basis.

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