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12/21/2024 Search Advanced Search
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James Li



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Picture Product Name List Price Price In Stock. Add to cart
OEM rear camera holder&lens for iPhone6 Plus,Golden $1.65 $0.80 1000  Add to cart
OEM rear camera holder&lens for iPhone6 Plus,White $1.65 $0.80 1000  Add to cart
OEM bicklight for iPhone6 Plus $4.00 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM LCD shield plate for iPhone6 Plus $2.00 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM battery for iPhone6 Plus $7.25 $4.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM vibrator for iPhone6 Plus $0.85 $0.35 1000  Add to cart
OEM earpiece for iPhone6 Plus $0.85 $0.35 1000  Add to cart
OEM loudspeaker for iPhone6 Plus $1.25 $0.65 1000  Add to cart
OEM rear camera for iPhone6 Plus $3.00 $2.64 1000  Add to cart
OEM proximity sensor with camera flex for iPhone6 Plus $2.50 $2.28 1000  Add to cart
OEM proximity sensor flex for iPhone6 Plus $2.25 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM signal antenna flex for iPhone6 Plus $1.88 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM Wifi flex for iPhone6 Plus $2.55 $1.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM GPS antenna flex for iPhone6 Plus $2.25 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM motherboard connective flex for iPhone6 Plus $1.85 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button flex for iPhone6 Plus $4.30 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button with flex assembly for iPhone6 Plus,Black $2.00 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button with flex assembly for iPhone6 Plus,Golden $2.00 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button with flex assembly for iPhone6 Plus,White $2.00 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM volume button flex with metal bracket for iPhone6 Plus $8.50 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM volume button flex for iPhone6 Plus $5.50 $1.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM power button flex with metal bracket for iPhone6 Plus $2.50 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM power button flex for iPhone6 Plus $2.00 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM dock flex&headphone jack for iphone6 Plus,Light Grey $5.75 $1.71 1000  Add to cart
OEM dock flex&headphone jack for iphone6 Plus,Dark Grey $5.75 $1.71 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A frame for iPhone6 Plus,Black $1.85 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A frame for iPhone6 Plus,White $1.85 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM frame for iPhone6 Plus,Black $1.40 $1.40 1000  Add to cart
OEM frame for iPhone6 Plus,White $1.40 $1.40 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A front glass for iPhone6 Plus,Black $2.00 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM front glass for iPhone6 Plus,White $1.50 $1.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM front glass for iPhone6 Plus,Black $1.50 $1.50 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A front glass for iPhone6 Plus,White $2.00 $2.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM battery for iPhone5S $4.25 $3.75 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A front glass for iPhone5S,Black $1.50 $1.50 1000  Add to cart
Grade-A front glass for iPhone5S,White $1.50 $1.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-01 $43.00 $42.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-02 $43.00 $42.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-03 $43.00 $42.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-04 $43.00 $42.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-05 $64.00 $42.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-06 $43.00 $36.50 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-07 $105.00 $82.00 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-08 $110.00 $90.00 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-09 $87.00 $72.00 1000  Add to cart
Back housing for iPhone5S,Style-10 $123.00 $95.00 999  Add to cart
Color back housing for iPhone5S $23.50 $13.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM back housing for iPhone5S,Black $20.50 $20.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM back housing for iPhone5S,Golden $20.50 $20.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM back housing for iPhone5S,White $20.50 $20.50 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Yellow $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Red $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Purple $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Peach Red $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Orange $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Light Blue $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Dark Blue $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Color display screen for iPhone5S,Green $45.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Silver $47.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Ross Golden $60.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Red $60.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Purple $60.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Golden $60.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Mirror display screen for iPhone5S,Blue $60.00 $40.00 1000  Add to cart
Dsplay screen for iphone5S,Black(Original&New) $21.00 $20.00 1000  Add to cart
Display screen for iphone5S,White(Original&New) $21.00 $20.00 1000  Add to cart
OEM display screen with small parts for iPhone5S,Black $50.50 $35.00 999  Add to cart
OEM display screen with small parts for iPhone5S,White $50.00 $38.00 999  Add to cart
Display screen for iPhone6,Black(Original&New) $22.50 $22.50 999  Add to cart
Display screen for iPhone6,White(Original&New) $17.80 $17.80 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button metal holder for iPhone5S $0.45 $0.45 1000  Add to cart
3M front digitizer frame adhesive for iPhone5S $0.15 $0.15 1000  Add to cart
External testing cable for iPhone5S $4.80 $4.80 1000  Add to cart
OEM LCD meatal plate for iPhone5S $1.80 $1.80 1000  Add to cart
Front camera&sensor holder for iPhone5S $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM earpiece metal holder for iPhone5S $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button metal gasket for iPhone5S,Black $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button metal gasket for iPhone5S,Golden $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button metal gasket for iPhone5S,Silver $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button for iPhone5S,Black $3.50 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button for iPhone5S,Golden $3.50 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button for iPhone5S,Silver $3.50 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM full internal screw set for iPhone5S $0.66 $0.25 1000  Add to cart
OEM bottom screw set for iPhone5S,Golden $0.20 $0.10 1000  Add to cart
OEM bottom screw set for iPhone5S,Silver $0.20 $0.10 1000  Add to cart
OEM bottom screw set for iPhone5S,Black $0.20 $0.10 1000  Add to cart
OEM SIM card tray for iPhone5S,Silver $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM SIM card tray for iPhone5S,Golden $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM SIM card tray for iPhone5S,Grey $0.50 $0.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM side key set for iPhone5S,Black $1.00 $0.65 1000  Add to cart
OEM side key set for iPhone5S,Golden $1.00 $0.65 1000  Add to cart
OEM side key set for iPhone5S,Silver $1.00 $0.65 1000  Add to cart
OEM vibrator for iPhone5S $0.50 $0.25 1000  Add to cart
OEM earpiece for iPhone5S $0.50 $0.25 1000  Add to cart
OEM loud speaker for iPhone5S $0.55 $0.55 1000  Add to cart
OEM top&bottom glass for iPhone5S,Black $8.50 $8.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM top&bottom glass for iPhone5S,White $8.50 $8.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM rear camera for iPhone5S $5.50 $5.50 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button with flex assembly for iPhone5S,Black $1.85 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
OEM home button with flex assembly for iPhone5S,Golden $1.85 $1.85 1000  Add to cart
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